ULTRAVELOX s.n.c. - Via Bergamo, 41 - 23851 - Galbiate (Lecco) - Tel./Fax: +39 0341 542489 - e-mail: ultravelox@ultravelox.it BATH and KITCHEN Line They are products that resolve minor problems encountered on bathroom and kitchen surfaces, tiled surfaces, walls,  enamelled surfaces etc. Complete kit to renovate tile grouts. WHITEVELOX will make the tile grouts look new again. Suitable for all kinds of tiled surfaces: kitchen walls  and tops, tiled bathtubs and showers boxes, tiled  floors, swimming pools, etc. Permanently seals leaks bathtubs, sinks, sink, fixtures. It 'easy to apply Do not drip Do not turn yellow Does not contain silicone Is a ceramic enamel to repair cracks in any ceramic surfaces (tiles, plates, vases, etc). Available in 18 different colours. Quick dry polish for varnished or japanned surfaces  in the house. Good for cooker, electrical equipment, kitchen  furniture.